Free Dating Sites & Singles Chat Rooms High Country, VIC

What I am looking for:
I am looking for a woman who lives in the High Country yarea. I really...
About me:
I am an artist. I have my own collections which I have put up around...
My Interests:
I like to paint. Painting is efinitely my most favorite form of self-expression. Thrpugh painting...
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What I am looking for:
I have pretty much built myself from the ground up. I grew up very poor...
About me:
I am a comedian. I started out saying my skits on a YouTube channel. It...
My Interests:
I like making peoplelaugh. My type of comedy is one where I start dissing myself...
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What I am looking for:
I am looking for a nice woman who lives in the High Country area. My...
About me:
I am a chef at a small Italian restaurant. Both my parents are Italian and...
My Interests:
I like food, specifically Italian food. I like eating that because it reminds me of...
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What I am looking for:
My job is the type of job that has no nine to five restrictions. Depending...
About me:
I work for a talent management company. I help in handling the different talents we...
My Interests:
I like being organized and being on time. I like schedules and rules and order....
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What I am looking for:
I am looking for a man who lives in the High Country area who can...
About me:
I work as a programmer and I am a no nonesense tye of person. I...
My Interests:
I like reading. I enjoy reading non fiction books because I feel like I learn...
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What I am looking for:
I am looking for a man who lives in the High Country area who appreciates...
About me:
I was born in New Zealand and I decided to move out here on my...
My Interests:
I like to play old school video games in the arcade. I just like the...
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