Free Dating Sites & Singles Chat Rooms Maryborough, QLD

Welcome to Free Dating Australia, the only Australian online dating site that brings together all the single in Maryborough. For the ultimate and thrilling experience of online dating, join Free Dating Australia and meet thousands of single men and women all day any day who are ready to settle and build a family and those who want just to have fun.
What I am looking for:
my ideal partner would be a casual smiley lady who loves life, is not materialistic,...
About me:
I\\\\\\\'m a broke artist starting fresh again, spending a lazy Sunday and simply looking to...
My Interests:
Art, reading, philosophy, a variety of music, dont watch TV but no adverse to a...
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What I am looking for:
A person who wants to start with a friendship that can exist without the pressure...
About me:
I am self-employed and mainly perform creative direction for graphic design services and related production...
My Interests:
Design, Art, Natural World, News, Film, Music, Games (Console, Board, Live), 8-Ball and Snooker, Darts,...
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What I am looking for:
My ideal partner should ideally be aged between 50 to 65 years old. She should...
About me:
I have been divorced and retired for many years. I consider myself respectful, honest, good...
My Interests:
Favourite food is barramundi,pasta. I enjoy most sports. I enjoy going for long walks in...
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What I am looking for:
My ideal partner would be smart, take care of his weight, watches what he eats,...
About me:
I have lived in Maryborough Qld for 17yrs, am buying home,have Boarders,have two pussycats &1...
My Interests:
Asian food,reading,dining out,yoga,cooking,a nice quiet place,dressing nicely,to be in happy,family,attending concerts, music-but not loud music,being...
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What I am looking for:
No I don't even know about what is my ideal partner and if there is...
About me:
Hi, I'm a single lady in Maryborough, I like being single and have been for...
My Interests:
Gardening, reading, long walks, reaching my goals, quiet life. My interests info has to contain...
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What I am looking for:
Someone who is up front and honest and won't ghost me for no apparent reason....
About me:
Hi I have been in Maryborough my entire life I tried to leave a couple...
My Interests:
I like to relax at home chill on the xbox and maybe watch some anime...
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What I am looking for:
A good conversationalist and a good listener. Someone who is honest, truthful, sincere, caring. Someone...
About me:
I am a small town girl by heart, have lived in the big city but...
My Interests:
I am not afraid to admit it, I love food and just about anything that...
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Hi 431, just sent you a pm
catch up later
"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars."
"You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop."
That's all folks.........................................
2025-Year of the Snake

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Find and Meet Local Single Men and Women in Maryborough, QLD

Maryborough is a town settled on Mary River with unique and well-preserved colonial streets. Maryborough is located about 30 km northeast of Hervey Bay and 255 km north of Brisbane. The town offers a backdrop to magnificent architecture and unique art and culture. The town has an estimated population of 27,800 people and a close men to women ratio. You can have a comfortable and quiet life in the town in case you want to start a family with your new found love.

Maryborough is one of the best romantic gateway destination that you can go with the love of your life. Maryborough Military and Colonial Museum is a great place to visit when you are on a mission to impress the person you like on the first date. Take a tour through the Poona National Park and show your compassion to Mother Nature’s endangered creation. You can also have a romantic picnic in the park and feel the cool breeze carry your emotions to infinity.

Maryborough, QLD Online Dating Sites