Free Dating Sites & Singles Chat Rooms Geelong & the Bellarine, VIC

Welcome to Free Dating Australia, the best online dating site in Australia. We bring together all the single men and women in Geelong & the Bellarine. Join today and share the fun and find your one true love. Our members get the privileges to search, chat and message the people they like for free.
What I am looking for:
My ideal partner would have to be someone who enjoyed the great outdoors, walked on...
About me:
I have lived in Geelong most of my life, l have adult children and have...
My Interests:
Enjoys music and long walks down the beach, with my dog, l enjoy the great...
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What I am looking for:
Ideal partner, always the hard task to describe, who realy knows what our ideal match...
About me:
Old-fashioned country boy, been on dating sites for over a decade now with no success,...
My Interests:
I love Marvel movies, Discworld, history, anime, gaming, general Geek culture. I like Test Match...
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What I am looking for:
Here we go again, finding fifty words like seriously some of us find it hard...
About me:
I have a small business, i love music,cooking food and desserts, I am tall, not...
My Interests:
My cars,music,cooking,going to shows and also chilling. love being outdoor, way better than being inside....
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What I am looking for:
I'd love to find a woman that loves life and willing to do things on...
About me:
I\\\'m a landscape labourer 2IC that spends most of my time in a bobcat. I...
My Interests:
My interests include camping, 4x4ing, socialising the beach and going bush. I like to go...
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What I am looking for:
My ideal partner would have ta be awesome, like Gus me pet snail and be...
About me:
Warrior of my own Destiny I have a pet snail called Gus that i race,...
My Interests:
Racing my snail. Preparing my snail for race day. Otherwise play guitar for Gus me...
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What I am looking for:
I'll be honest I'm in my mid 20s I'm open to a good few years...
About me:
I'm a freelance electronics and computer systems engineer, I'm a nerd and proud of it....
My Interests:
I tend to live and breathe my tech these days I guess it's an occupational...
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What I am looking for:
I believe that the person I would like to meet would need to be cheerful,...
About me:
I currently Work in sales. I grew up in Victoria and have travelled overseas.My favorite...
My Interests:
I love going to the AFL,car racing, golf,music festivals, I used to surf many years...
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Mike is my name
no one here
any females
hello out there
Top day on the coast
Good evening
Gold Coast Male
hi eberyone
Gold Coast Male
Gold Coast Male
how are all the Bots tonight
Gold Coast Male
anyone here
Southern highlands?
c**p s**e hey

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Find and Meet Local Single Men and Women in Geelong & the Bellarine, VIC

Making the first impression that will stick and make your date want to go out with you again is something that everyone stresses about. Geelong & the Bellarine is a romantic gateway that makes it easy for you to impress your date and grow a young relationship into something that lasts a lifetime. Free Dating Australia matches you with people that match your interests and personality, so you don’t have to fake it. The award-winning wineries and restaurants along the beaches will give you a dining experience of a lifetime.

Romantic adventures need more adrenaline to make the moments memorable. Visit the Adventure Park Geelong, the most prominent theme park in Victoria, and unleash the beast in you. Join an organized expedition and watch wildlife in their natural habitats and see how dolphins can make people fall in love. The leisure walks along the Peninsula is something for everyone because of the beauty of the vegetation and clear paths.

Geelong & the Bellarine, VIC Online Dating Sites