Free Dating Sites & Singles Chat Rooms Raymond Terrace, NSW

Welcome to Free Dating Australia, the best dating website in Australia that is dedicated to bringing together all the singles in Raymond Terrace. You do not have to be alone and lonely as we are here to help you find the love of your life. Join Free Dating Australia and choose from all the other eligible singles looking for a soulmate.
What I am looking for:
I am looking for someone who is caring ,reliable ,genuine has similar interests. Someone to...
About me:
I work in the leisure industry, I am British and live here in beautiful nsw....
My Interests:
Love itailain food,I like the outdoors ,love the beach,and animals. Love listening to a range...
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What I am looking for:
i`m looking for a kind,loving,considerate and patient woman.i`ve been single for a long time now...
About me:
Have been single for 12 yrs.starting to really miss female company.can`t remember how to kiss...
My Interests:
not fussy about what i eat.But would love a good home cooked meal made by...
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What I am looking for:
I would like to find a fun attractive lady nearby. Someone who wants to start...
About me:
Hi im new to NSW. Single dad of 2 girls. Would love to find a...
My Interests:
I like sport, a beer or two, live music, good food , family and friends....
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What I am looking for:
My ideal partner is easy going, open minded, loving, passionate and affectionate. They want to...
About me:
Business professional, driven but work to live, enjoy making people laugh, and having a good...
My Interests:
Love eating out, fine dining, cooking (all cuisines) drinking nice wine and cocktails, listening to...
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What I am looking for:
i don\'t think it is right to put my ideal partner in writing. I won\'t...
About me:
26 single for about 2 years non smoker occasional drinker I'm not a fussy guy,...
My Interests:
I'm not a fussy guy, but I refuse to be around anyone that chews loudly....
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What I am looking for:
I want someone who is intelligent because I love having a smart conversation. I would...
About me:
I am an intelligent guy, and I can be a difficuult person to understand because...
My Interests:
I enjoy reading books; sometimes I find myself reading things of little use in building...
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What I am looking for:
I want a woman who believes in forever young but has a mature personality. I...
About me:
Before you judge the book, read the first chapter. I am a marketing consultant and...
My Interests:
I have a passion for cars and boats. I love luxury cars especially limited edition...
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hi 36
m nsw
good evening
hi 137
I am male
same here
not the same here
Brizzy Guy
Brizzy guy here
Any Nth Coast ladies on here
Hi love to chat to a male
Hi love to chat to a male for fun
female would love to chat to a male for fun
Not interested in gay

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Find and Meet Local Single Men and Women in Raymond Terrace, NSW

What would you do if you had the power to stop time? Raymond Terrace is one of the towns that will make you want to stop time because there is so much to discover and learn. The vibrant town that lies in the Hunter Region is home to beautiful botanical gardens and national reserves. It is located approximately 168 kilometres from Sydney and 26 kilometres from Newcastle. Raymond Terrace has developed in a day-trippers destination and it also provides a perfect environment that favours family set up.

Hunter Region Botanic Gardens is one of the places in town that you cannot miss. Enjoy the beautiful picnic spots, walking trails, natural bushland, and scenic views. You can also explore the Hunter Wetlands National Park if you are into the wild or take a scenic drive in the region. Raymond Terrace will give you the fulfilment you seek in your adventure.

Raymond Terrace, NSW Online Dating Sites