Free Dating Sites & Singles Chat Rooms Murray Bridge, SA

Welcome to free dating Australia, Australia’s favourite online dating site for local singles in Murray Bridge. Join us today and get to meet hundreds of potential single partners in Murray Bridge. Free dating Australia provides a surreal platform to connect with potential soul mates that meet your unique preference at the touch of a button.
What I am looking for:
I'm not sure what I'm looking for because I've never had a girlfriend but I...
About me:
Hi my name is Kain and I\'m 43 , I\'m unemployed but hope to be...
My Interests:
I love all food I really do and most music. I love Greek , Christian,...
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What I am looking for:
I'm looking for a quiet person who isn't looking for an adventure around the world...
About me:
I\'m a father of 4. i live a quiet life as i have 3 kids...
My Interests:
Foods - pasta, chocolate, meat, bread Drinks - coffee, iced coffee, the occasional alcohol Sports...
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What I am looking for:
im not phased i just want a person that can adapt two my life and...
About me:
im a deisel mechanic have two lovely kids i see fourtnightly enjoy every second with...
My Interests:
motorcross, animals, enjoy my job, sometimes jump in a truck for work we cart livestock...
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What I am looking for:
I like someone independent with their own accommodation and transport, vivacious, good sense of humour,...
About me:
Pensioned but running a small hospitality venue. I do lots of volunteer work as well....
My Interests:
Building and improving things. I like going away in my caravan nearby or taking walks...
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What I am looking for:
Down to earth, non drugs, gsoh, who enjoys life and the simple things as well...
About me:
I am delivery driver for a milk company in Murray bridge area, I am down...
My Interests:
I like a good home cooked meal, and sometimes go out for some take away...
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What I am looking for:
my ideal partner would have to be easy going, laid back, quiet but also gets...
About me:
recently moved to SA looking for some fun not sure what to really say im...
My Interests:
favorite music: A7X, ADTR, Alphawolf, destruction within, Beatles , Queen, AD/DC ill watch any anime...
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What I am looking for:
Ideally someone to be a part of my life being free and comfortable to just...
About me:
46 years on this planet with plenty of life experience. Honesty is a key and...
My Interests:
A passion for music, free writing and poetry with abstract illustration. Reading, studying and researching...
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Brizzy Guy
Busy in a chat
not busy
When not be busy
just cruisy
Boring borrrriiing
Hi 474 and 472
get back with Brizzy Guy 465
surely is
M 474 ?
yes M here
hiii flutter eyes at you
Gay 19 Sydville
stop msg 474 sheesh
Brizzy Guy always fiddling Callie sheeesh
Boring borrrriiing

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Find and Meet Local Single Men and Women in Murray Bridge, SA

Murray Bridge, located 76 kilometres east-southeast of the state’s capital city is, without doubt, a most significant with a population placing it as a fifth most populated city with a male to female ratio of 50:50. With such statics and the amazing free dating Australia, online dating site finding a significant other is close to impossible. Multiple exotic retreats exist in this blissful locale. You will not be forgiven if you fail to visit the stunt reserve, an awe-inspiring riverfront picnic area bearing a romantic energy in all aspects. With green unending lawns, trees and for the energetic and daredevils, a skate ramp and pushbike track add to the excitement.

From Stunt Reserve, two lovebirds may enjoy an afternoon-tea cruise available on the Paddleboat Captain Proud while watching from a distance as the docile sun sinks in the horizon. For the night a lovely couple opting for entertainment may visit the Cameo Cinema or the Drive-In-Theatre. It is one of the only two that are still operating in the state and of course is there any other way to stir and ignite passion. Coupling it up with intimacy than to watch a movie of your choice at the comfort of your automobile

Murray Bridge, SA Online Dating Sites