Free Dating Sites & Singles Chat Rooms Deeragun, QLD

Welcome to Free Dating Australia, the number one online dating site in Australia that is inclusive of all the people looking for fun and love in Deeragun. Your match suggestions are not random but carefully hand-picked to match your personality and interests. Join Free Dating Australia today and meet all the eligible singles in Deeragun. The best part is once you become our esteemed member everything is free.
What I am looking for:
I’m looking for a woman that is very loyal and truthful and trustworthy, I’m looking...
About me:
I am a welder in the trailer manufacturing, and I grew up in Victoria, and...
My Interests:
Playing with my dog, restoring old furniture, i’m going on country drives, gardening, going out...
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What I am looking for:
An ideal partner would share the same interests but even if you don’t, as long...
About me:
Born and raised in Queensland, I'm a man of many talents. I teach math, I...
My Interests:
As an unabashed fan of MasterChef Australia, I spend my free time experimenting with Queensland's...
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What I am looking for:
Aside from the obvious pet-loving nature, my ideal man should have a good sense of...
About me:
A slim and tall blonde in my early 30s, I am newly single and looking...
My Interests:
I love pets, which is why I chose to work at a vet clinic in...
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What I am looking for:
Women who are full of energy! I would love to meet a girl who has...
About me:
I am a Brisbane native who is now residing in Deeragun. I work in customer...
My Interests:
I have been playing the guitar since I was young and often jam with local...
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What I am looking for:
An adventurous woman is my kind of girl. Someone who is outgoing, smart, and easy...
About me:
I am 30 years old and still looking for The One. Maybe I’ll find her...
My Interests:
I love exploring new things when I visit another country. The food, the people, the...
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What I am looking for:
My ideal man is smart, kind, sensitive, funny, financially stable, and ready to start a...
About me:
I am 31 years old and run a small business in Deeragun. I have been...
My Interests:
Although my business takes up most of my time, I go to the gym and...
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What I am looking for:
My ideal man is successful in his own right and is not afraid to show...
About me:
I am an out gay man looking to date someone who is equally proud of...
My Interests:
I work 12 hours a day but always find time for gym and travel. I...
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we started to get some r@in
Oh not here it’s very dry here atm
maybe vic?
ok chat ave
hi from WA
sydney here
anyone from vic?
anyone here at all?
Thunder storms here
754 Awesome 👌
Hello from the south coast
i am in melb
anyone dtf
Why are you all anonym-a*s?

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Find and Meet Local Single Men and Women in Deeragun, QLD

Deeragun is a relatively new residential suburb located in Townsville. The town is a 10-minute drive from Townsville CBD and is situated on the west side of the CBD. Being a relatively new rural-residential suburb, the town has a population of over 3,600 people with a close difference in the men to women ratio. Deeragun is a quiet and peaceful town, and the Saunders Creek nature strip is a good place for a romantic evening walk or at night while watching the stars. The town has all the amenities you need, and if you are a food lover, there are various fast food joints and excellent restaurants.

For a more refreshing and exciting day out visit The Strand. The secret to increasing your attraction and bond is to make your partner smile all the way and hike their adrenaline levels; the Strand will do all that for you will minimal effort. Visit the water parks, the elegant dining areas, and enjoy the exuberating view of the ocean and breeze next to the person that completes you.

Deeragun, QLD Online Dating Sites