Free Dating Sites & Singles Chat Rooms Gawler, SA

What I am looking for:
I want an interesting guy with lots of experiences, someone I can learn from. A...
About me:
I read about Marilyn Monroe once when I was 10 and I loved her. Elton...
My Interests:
Well, I am interested in things like classical music, history, things people would think are...
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What I am looking for:
I want someone working in finance, not less than 5’7”, and widely read enough to...
About me:
Kalbeeba. I thought that was a funny name when I first moved here some 2...
My Interests:
For a 35-year-old guy, my life is pretty slow and I like it this way....
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What I am looking for:
I just want a friend in the meantime. I want someone that is just as...
About me:
The good old days? I don’t think so. Old people are always going on about...
My Interests:
I like creating little but fun computer programs. I created this little program that scours...
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What I am looking for:
I am looking for a man to laugh and joke with, talk about the old...
About me:
Let me mention that my teenage grand daughter didn’t help me with this. She has...
My Interests:
There’s a video of me on Youtube that has gone viral. My grand daughters make...
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What I am looking for:
I am looking for a gentleman aged 50 and above. I want someone loving and...
About me:
If for some reason they decided to make possession of coffee a major indictable offence,...
My Interests:
I love the comfort of routines, and boy does my life follow one rail. Yeah,...
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What I am looking for:
I do not have a whole laundry list of qualities I want… that’s for little...
About me:
I am a lab technician at a local clinic. Workmates say I am bossy but...
My Interests:
Yep. Chocolate. Chocolate in all its forms. I am an outdoor girl. You know that...
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What I am looking for:
I am looking for someone serious. Honestly with school being so hectic I cannot manage...
About me:
I would need extra fingers and toes to count the people that have been upset...
My Interests:
I am the type of person who loves going to really wild parties but still...
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Any females come on here
Hiiii Lee337
Hey Sara, coming to Melbourne for grandprix soon
Has anyone actually met anyone on this s**e?
Brizzy Guy
Brizzy Guy here
Brizzy Guy
Hi Lauren
Hello from the south coast
That's good news Mike 7966 if it's u .Sara xx
am Mike Perth

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